Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman

Finding My Voice

It’s been over a year and a half since my marriage ended. Twenty months if you want to be precise. In that time there’s been bushfires, a pandemic, I’ve moved house twice, changed jobs, started a business, released three radio singles, two film clips, a video series and an acoustic album (and written over fifty songs). I’m still grieving.

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Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman

Hating myself and learning how to change.

Time and time again, I would seek to understand what the meaning of life was. Searching the recesses of my mind asking myself “Who am I? Why do I operate the way that I do? What is my purpose?”.  The questions may not always look so deep and meaningful they may have been quite negative, more like “why am I such an idiot?” Or “why me?”.   I spend a good portion of my life feeling sorry for myself, blaming my outer circumstances…

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Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman

Getting help for my drinking (the story I don't like telling)

I was fourteen or fifteen years old when a doctor recommended that I go to rehab. Back then I had only ever really heard of that for junkies or for old people who lived in parks. I thought that you got locked in a room until you ‘dried out’.  I was in my mid teens and that to me was ridiculous. Yes, I had a drinking problem but I didn’t drink every day (even if I did think about it). I was seventeen when I realised that I was an alcoholic but in my mind my drinking was still normal and my life was manageable (no it wasn’t).  

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Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman

How being open was key to my transformation.

I think about openness as almost like a prerequisite of a transformation.  Like when you study, some courses just aren't available to you unless you've done a course that's a prerequisite, or you're at a certain level. Openness is kind of like that, in that in order to cultivate transformational personal growth, you really need to be open. If you have a closed mind you might overlook something that is entirely necessary for your next step in transforming your life.

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Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman Michelle Cashman Blog Michelle Cashman

My Story with Fibromyalgia

I think from memory it started with me getting tired.  Tired isn’t as easy to remember as the pain and once the pain started pain and tired went hand in hand.  I can push past tired. I can push past some levels of pain and I certainly did that. However eventually, working together persistently and over time, the pain and tiredness rendered me useless…

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